Thursday, January 29, 2015


You are officially the size of a blueberry!

This week we are finally into the single digits of our countdown until our sonogram. I think I can, I think I can! It's really fun to see the chain get smaller and smaller. The first thing I do every morning is change the number on the chalkboard and take off a link!

I'm still continuing to have nausea (it's usually worse when I wake up and in the evenings), but I haven't been getting physically sick - so thank you! All other symptoms are the same. Some days I wake up and am so exhausted the entire day. I really thought in the beginning I was oddly going to skip all of that, but it has caught up to me!

I did finally buy a belly band and tummy butter to help prevent stretch marks. I'm going to return the pair of maternity jeans I ordered since I didn't like the fit and try to continue wearing my jeans until it gets warmer!

We are taking our first bump photo this Sunday for our 8 weeks photo so I'll be posting that next week. I can't believe we are over the halfway mark of our first trimester and I can't wait to finally be able to tell my parents!

My gut feeling tells me you are a girl, but I could be wrong! It'll make our gender reveal party all the more exciting. I've already started to look into details to help pass the time. I love the theme of "what will you bee" since I secretly already call you little baby bee and I've always called Chris grizzly bear. And we all know both of those love honey :)

Hopefully we will be able to have the party around Easter, which will make that holiday an extra special one.

I just have to say I feel so appreciative to finally be pregnant. I feel like I have dreamed (literally) of this day for so long and have always imagined what it will be like, that it's almost bittersweet in the sense that it's already here and before the end of the year that new stage in our lives will have come and gone. You wish and daydream about these life events (graduating school, getting married, having kids) for so long that once they happen it feels like it went by in a blink of an eye. But the best part is that we will be holding the best miracle we could ever ask for. I can't wait to meet you!


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