Thursday, March 19, 2015


Week 14 and baby boy is the size of a large lemon!

Chris did some Google research and found out the "stretching" feeling I've been having on and off is actually round ligament pains. They aren't actually really painful (in my experience), so good news there. :)

This week I've been getting lots of comments on people actually being able to see my baby bump. It's taken some time to get used to, but I'm finally not shocked when friends reach for my belly.

My app says that now little man's ears are fully formed and he can hear my voice, which made me tear up one morning as I was singing in the car knowing he might be able to hear me.

I'm getting more and more excited to start planning the nursery. Chris and I went to Buy Buy Baby in Rockville this past weekend since we were told that it was the mecca of all baby stores. We went up and down each aisle, took photos of things we liked, played with some toys, read some books and tested out car seats and strollers! After 3.5 hours we had only managed to get through one of the two floors before needing to get something to eat.

We also stopped at Ikea before heading home to grab drawer organizers for his dresser and a shelving unit for his closet. I'm so anxious to get that set up and the closet cleaned out for him. Right now it's been storage for extra photo albums, frames and craft supplies. 

I purchased the woven wrap above so I can practice wrapping and "baby wearing" with Nikki and Rory before my belly gets too big. I loved the color and asked a few people who "baby wear" about the sizing and brands that are best for beginners This way, when little man makes his appearance, I'll be at least a little more familiar with the wraps and how to carry him around.

Week 14's bump pic is officially in the books! I plan on creating a separate "little man's wardrobe" post after I organize his closet and dresser this weekend.

Happy first day of Spring!


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