Thursday, July 16, 2015


Holy moly - 31 weeks! The midwives and nurses weren't lying when they said it would fly by from here. I'm writing this at almost 31.5 weeks and realizing that this weekend I will be officially 8 months pregnant. This Monday we hit the 2 month mark from Ben's due date!

This week he weights 3 1/3 pounds and is 16.2 inches long. My app says this week he is going through a growth spurt and I believe it because I have been exhausted! Sleep has been so so good lately and almost every day I am sleeping in and super tired by the end of the day.

I'm considering going back to a Paleo diet for the remainder of my pregnancy to help keep me from snacking and eating too many un-needed carbs. I am going to try and start next week and allow myself one free day.

My biggest pregnancy brain fails have been within the last month. Both times I got up early and prepped dinner in the crock pot only to come home to an uncooked meal. The first time I forgot to turn the dial to low and the second time I forgot to plug the slow cooker into the outlet. Both equally disappointing and frustrating.

Workouts have been slim this week. I've been pretty tired in the mornings and have been sleeping in (missing my morning walks) and exhausted by the time I get home. I did squeeze in 2 walks this week.

Friday we are headed to the beach! I'm looking forward to being away for a long weekend with our little fam and finally breaking in my maternity bathing suit.

This week we purchased some of the final items we needed with our gift cards. I grabbed a forehead/ear thermometer, humidifier, baby bath tub and washcloths, some health essentials and car seat/stroller strap pads that were left on our registry. The only other must-have items we have on our registry are the travel crib and high chair. My plan as of now is to start Ben off in the crib once we get home and see how that goes. If he has trouble right away we will order the travel crib to keep in our room since we will need it eventually when going on vacations. The high chair we won't need until he is about 4 months so I am hoping to snag that on sale during black friday/cyber monday.

We are also going to test out only having the jogging stroller since I think one stroller is plenty and I plan to wrap/wear him a bunch. 

Once we figure out a firm plan for daycare we can decide if an extra car base is needed for Chris' vehicle. For now, we will install it in my car since I'll be home with him for 12 weeks and Chris will be back at work after 3 weeks.

I can't believe we are less than 60 days away from meeting baby Ben! So surreal!


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