Got his first shots. Two in his left thigh and one in his right thigh. He was fussy that evening from his thighs being sore. We gave him Tylenol but he spit most of it up.
Weighed 12 pounds 10 ounces and was 23 inches long at his doctors appointment. Doesn't have another appointment until 4 months.
Drinks 32-33 ounces a day. Mom produces about 20-21 ounces a day.
Mom ordered and got our Christmas pajamas in the mail. All of us and aunt Lauren will match.
Beginning to talk to mom and dad with my cooing.
Mom and dad made me giggle at week 9. I would imitate their giggles. I especially love when they put the burp cloth on me because it means I get my bottle.
Smiling a lot now! Confirming he is a happy happy baby.
Loves the song the ants go marching - gets excited when we say hoorah!
Grammy took care of me one night because mom was sick with a sore throat. Gigi watched me one day so mom could clean the house.
Mom and dad went on a movie date and to the Ravens game.
Rarely gets fussy over gas now.
Holds onto blankets a lot now.
Loves kicking his feet and kicking toys
Clasps his hands and open and closes his hands more often now
Loves sitting up on his changing pad and looking in the mirror with you. He will giggle and smile at himself.
Visited moms work for a work thanksgiving.
Met his Reid cousins who love him so much. Every time they would walk by him they would put their hand on his head like they were blessing him.
Watched mom and dad put up the Christmas tree and decorate it with lights and ornaments!
Went to lunch with mom and aunt Alex to aunt Mandy's job.
Had his first thanksgiving / went to Grammy d and great aunt Kim's house.
Sleeping in his crib!!
Sleeps through the night on his belly. Mom was nervous at first, but she's been using the monitor Terri gave her to make sure he was ok.
Tried taking Christmas photos at the tree farm but I had a blowout in my skinny jeans. We came home and set something up at the house and the photos turned out great.
Went for a nice long walk the day after thanksgiving at freedom park. It was in the 60s!
I am starting to talk a lot more now! Maybe I'll be a talker like my mama.
Loves kicking the water in his bath tub
Had your first belly laugh one day shy of your three month mark.
We didn't catch it on tape but mama cried happy tears!
Wants to sit up all. The. Time! You try to do crunches to sit up because you want to see what's going on.
Mama put you in your high chair for the first time and you played with toys - speaking of toys you grab your toys now! Your favorite is the wrinkle rattle and the links!
Mom went back to work :(
Exclusively pump now - which has helped increase my milk supply! we typically only need to give you 8-10 ounces max rather than 14!
Loves looking in the mirror!
He smiles immediately when he catches your eye!
Size 2 diapers and just about outgrown your 0-3 month clothes!
Saw Santa and the Christmas tree lighting in downtown sykesville.
Decorated the Christmas tree and hung your stocking!
Your hands are in your mouth constantly and you no longer take a pacifier. we think we have a thumb sucker on our hands and it's adorable when I hear you sucking on your hands in the morning in your crib.
Blows spit bubbles all the time!
Lower lips kill me! I'll pick you up and snuggle you at any sight of the lower lip.
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