Thursday, October 2, 2014


This is the start of our sweet little story. The part where your page meets mine.
No matter where our tale takes us tomorrow, our story will still read love.

 For now we are a small family of two... but we have plans to start growing our family very soon. I've been debating if I was truly ready for this next step since the beginning of the year. It's an exciting and slightly scary thought to have a child. Am I going to be a good mom? Am I really ready for this? How is this going to affect my marriage. Will we have enough money to provide him or her with everything they need? Will anything change with my friendships? Why is daycare so freaking expensive?!

But I know I am ready now. The fear of not starting is so much greater than the fear of becoming a parent.

Chris has thankfully been ready for awhile now. I wish I could describe how lucky I am to have him in my life. He never makes me feel crazy when I constantly talk about kids or ask him a million times if he is scared or worried. His answer is always the same. I'm not scared and I'm not worried. Everything is going to be okay. Just tell me when you are ready and I'll be there.

I can't wait to see where this journey takes us!


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