Wednesday, July 29, 2015


33 weeks and Ben is the size of a pineapple! Weighing a little over 4 pounds and measuring over 17 inches long. The end of this week is August - our last baby-free month of the year!

Ben has been consistently having lots of little hiccups while living in there!

My pelvic bone is still sore this week and my back is sore here and there. I'm becoming a tad more uncomfortable which is par for the course. Nothing I can't handle :) My feet (especially my left foot) get pretty swollen now. I'm looking forward to our couples massages this weekend - a gift from Aunt Kiki and Uncle Albert (thank you!!) A mid-week pedicure also felt amazing! I am drinking a TON of water now. I am so thirsty all of the time... so lots of bathroom breaks :)

New purchases include:

I just received the solly baby wrap in the mail in the above color and love it. It's so easy to pre-wrap on yourself and pop the baby in and out of so if you are running errands you don't have to worry about wrapping once you get to your destination. I can also use this the second we come home from the hospital, which was the main reason I purchased it. I love my woven wrap, but I felt like I would have to wait until he was at least 2-3 months old to start using it and I really want to wear him as soon as possible (walks, doing laundry, running errands) and this allows me to do that! I have already practiced with Chance - that dog loves to be wrapped!

I purchased this little bear knit hat for Ben to wear in the hospital. I plan to sew a little "b" or "ben" onto the bottom before packing it in our hospital bag and will have my mom add his birth date once he is here. I think it'll be a sweet keepsake for him - and me.

I also purchased these onsies in the newborn size because we don't have a ton of newborn clothes (you never know if your baby will need them!) and I wanted something more simple for his coming home outfit. There definitely aren't as many options out there for boys as there are girls!

He will probably come on the hottest day of the year now since I just ordered sweater onesies. At least the top option is lighter! Nikki recommended I keep the tags on the newborn sweater onesies and if they look like they fit, I can send them home with her or my mom to be washed and brought back for our "going home" outfit. So glad I have her brain cells!

I started packing my hospital bag (is this real life?) and will need to grab some extra items before it's fully done. I also need to make a post-it for things to grab as we are walking out the door (i.e. cell phone, ipad, camera, hair dryer).

Items for Chris and I:
  1. Nursing bras and tanks/nightgowns
  2. Comfy pants - wide band leggings
  3. Dark underwear - the hospital provides disposable mesh underwear that I'll most likely use the first day, but it may feel nice to have my own underwear on when I go home. Dark underwear is a must so it won't show stains
  4. Robe 
  5. Flip flops/socks
  6. Chris' Number 1 Dad shirt for the delivery/sleeping and gym shorts/sweatpants
  7. Coming home outfit for me - I'm thinking an easy maxi dress will be the best bet. That way I look put together, but will still be comfy for a quick photo
  8. Coming home outfit for Chris - this way he can shower and feel good before leaving the hospital
  9. Camera, iPad, cell phones with list of people to text (in notes) and all chargers
  10. Pillow cases - the hospital has plenty of pillows, but I prefer my own cases
  11.  Chapstick and mascara
  12. Hair ties
  13. Prenatal vitamins
  14. Brush, hair dryer, toiletries (shampoo, body wash, conditioner, deodorant, tooth brush, tooth paste, face wipes, etc.)
  15. Tucks pads 
  16. XL overnight maxi pads with wings - the hospital has ones they provide, but they don't have wings. I want to make sure those things stay in place
  17. Refillable water bottle with straw
  18. Nipple cream
  19. Nipple Pads
  20. Lavender essential oil
Items for Ben:
  1. Boppy to help with breastfeeding
  2. Going home outfits for Ben (newborn and 0-3 month sizes)
  3. Bear hat (perfect for our little bear)
  4. Swaddle blankets - I know the hospital provides, but I have a few I want for photos and this can be used as a lightweight blanket for the car seat
  5. Baby book for footprints and to have guests sign
  6. Baby wipes - they have cloth wipes, but mentioned to bring some regular ones on our tour if we want to use those
  7. Hand sanitizer - for all of our guests to use before holding him  
  8. Car seat - we have the base installed and if we leave from home we will grab the carrier then or have my mom bring it to the hospital (I get nervous about getting in an accident before he comes and the car seat being unusable!)
I am starting to get more and more nervous/anxious/excited the closer we get to September. There are so many things for me to think about and the unknown aspect of labor is the worst part, for me. I know I have absolutely no control over how it will happen, when it will happen ... so it's just a waiting game and I'm trying to be as prepared as I possibly can.

I'm in shock that our infant care class starts next Monday... Ready or not, here we go!

Not the most flattering booty photo haha but I love the chalkboard Chris drew for me.

 Deodorant arm pit and 33 weeks and 5 days!

Monday, July 27, 2015


Week 34! 

Ben is officially the size of a cantaloupe... weighing 4 - 3/4 pounds and measuring almost 18 inches. I'm sure he is at least that long because he has been moving around like crazy this week!

Hiccups are still a favorite past time of this little babe. Chance was laying on top of my belly this week while I was on the couch and Ben started kicking him as hard as he could. It took a little more than five minutes for Chance to finally get up and move right next to me. Any time Chance is laying up against my belly now, Ben starts to move and kick. 

Saturday (last day of week 33) we had our massage appointment. I had to climb into the above contraption for my massage, which wasn't the most comfortable thing.

Friday, July 24, 2015


This pregnancy is flying by and I feel slightly guilty for not documenting it more during this final trimester. Chris is upset we haven't taken bump pics the last three weeks.

I know I will probably look back and wonder how my belly looked (don't worry, still taking random snap shots), but my favorite moments are the random belly hugs from our papa bear and our times when we are daydreaming about sweet Ben's personality together. Those are the things I wish I could bottle up and keep forever about this pregnancy... not my undone hair and makeup-less face ;-)

This week's workouts include walks, the elliptical and really lazy arm workouts. 

Instead of going to the beach last weekend, we decided to finish installing our kitchen island from Ikea (sans counter top). It felt SO GOOD to get that done and the extra storage has me happy dancing around the house. Ben's bottles and 986503497 extra "feeding" equipment now happily lives in one (shocking) drawer in the island instead of the corner of his room. Anything that involves organizing makes me so happy and I love that my husband tackled this before Ben came. He knows how to make a wife happy. We high-fived approximately 35 times during the project :)

Wednesday was our hospital tour at Howard County General Hospital, where I will be delivering. I feel like I made the appointment for this tour forever ago - and the fact that it is here makes things even more real and nerve-wracking.

We learned a few things:
  1. We can have 4 visitors plus papa bear in the labor and delivery room and recovery room. (we plan to do the delivery solo - with the exception of possibly having Nikki coming in and snapping some photos). We really want to have this first birth be about Chris and I and our new family, so we will send out a text when things get moving, but ask for our family to come to the hospital once Ben is here.
  2. They have 2 rooms that have tubs if we want to soothe the contractions by soaking in them. If you want this room, you have to request it when you check in.
  3. You must be 4 cm dilated before they will admit you to the labor and delivery room.
  4. Visitation hours once Ben is here is from 8-8.
  5. They serve warm cookies and milk once you are in recovery. 
  6. 2 hours (I believe) after delivering you are transferred to your recovery room.
  7. They recommend not bringing extra pillows since each room has 7 - but I would want to bring my own pillow cover and blanket for Chris to sleep with.
  8.  Typical stay is for 48 hours for vaginal delivery, but you can go home as early as 24 hours afterwards.
  9. Babies sleep in a bassinet next to the mom in the recovery room, rather than staying in a nursery unless they have an issue that needs to be monitored by a nurse. 
  10. Bring a hat! Some babies come out with funny shaped heads so bring a hat for them to wear to hide that if you prefer (I found this fact to be funny).
  11. Moms eat for free - dad's need to go to the cafeteria. Luckily, the mall is down the street so a chipotle/Cheesecake Factory/PF Changs run can easily be made. 
  12. You can't eat anything during delivery. Midwives are a little more forgiving with his policy. They have juice and popsicles available for you.
Thursday I had my 32 week appointment and have gained another 1.5 pounds - so a total of 19.5 pounds at 32 weeks and 4 days. I'm wondering if now that we are cutting out carbs from our diet if I will still gain about a pound a week or if that will lessen. The appointment went super fast - his heart beat was super strong and everyone is happy with how things are progressing! Still a really smooth pregnancy :) 

The only new thing symptom-wise is constipation is slowly coming back at this point - so I really should try walking more in the AM to help with that. Also, my pelvic bone has been feeling sore this week. The midwife said that's due to him getting bigger and his head is putting more pressure on it. Totally makes sense and was what I thought.

We had our car seat installed this week by our local fire department and Chris and I set up the stroller to have the car seat attachment. Chance loved going for a ride through our first floor in the stroller surprisingly!

As everything is getting checked off our list, the more excited I am for him to be here. I'm trying to soak up as much time with Chris as I can now since I know our lives are about to get a lot more hectic. Extra kisses and "I love yous" are daily because I really have the best life-partner and am grateful for him every day. I have a really strong feeling that Ben will be just as sweet as his papa bear - which is lucky for me.

See ya later, week 32! 

Thursday, July 16, 2015


Holy moly - 31 weeks! The midwives and nurses weren't lying when they said it would fly by from here. I'm writing this at almost 31.5 weeks and realizing that this weekend I will be officially 8 months pregnant. This Monday we hit the 2 month mark from Ben's due date!

This week he weights 3 1/3 pounds and is 16.2 inches long. My app says this week he is going through a growth spurt and I believe it because I have been exhausted! Sleep has been so so good lately and almost every day I am sleeping in and super tired by the end of the day.

I'm considering going back to a Paleo diet for the remainder of my pregnancy to help keep me from snacking and eating too many un-needed carbs. I am going to try and start next week and allow myself one free day.

My biggest pregnancy brain fails have been within the last month. Both times I got up early and prepped dinner in the crock pot only to come home to an uncooked meal. The first time I forgot to turn the dial to low and the second time I forgot to plug the slow cooker into the outlet. Both equally disappointing and frustrating.

Workouts have been slim this week. I've been pretty tired in the mornings and have been sleeping in (missing my morning walks) and exhausted by the time I get home. I did squeeze in 2 walks this week.

Friday we are headed to the beach! I'm looking forward to being away for a long weekend with our little fam and finally breaking in my maternity bathing suit.

This week we purchased some of the final items we needed with our gift cards. I grabbed a forehead/ear thermometer, humidifier, baby bath tub and washcloths, some health essentials and car seat/stroller strap pads that were left on our registry. The only other must-have items we have on our registry are the travel crib and high chair. My plan as of now is to start Ben off in the crib once we get home and see how that goes. If he has trouble right away we will order the travel crib to keep in our room since we will need it eventually when going on vacations. The high chair we won't need until he is about 4 months so I am hoping to snag that on sale during black friday/cyber monday.

We are also going to test out only having the jogging stroller since I think one stroller is plenty and I plan to wrap/wear him a bunch. 

Once we figure out a firm plan for daycare we can decide if an extra car base is needed for Chris' vehicle. For now, we will install it in my car since I'll be home with him for 12 weeks and Chris will be back at work after 3 weeks.

I can't believe we are less than 60 days away from meeting baby Ben! So surreal!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


30 weeks and Ben is the size of a head of cabbage - weighing almost 3 pounds and measuring about 15.7 inches. 

Monday I called and found out my glucose tests were normal which is a HUGE relief! I had our 30 week doctors appointment on Wednesday and have gained 18 pounds so far and my blood pressure has been really great. 

I asked our midwife about the belly bands you receive after a c-section and inquired if they were available to vaginal deliveries as well. She told me she orders them for each of her patients and believes it really helps your tummy to get back to normal and helps to regulate your hormones - so I will definitely be requesting one after Ben is born. 

This week I was super proactive. I made a list of what to pack in our hospital bag after doing some online research, called and made meet-and-greet appointments with the two pediatrician offices we are interested in and called the insurance company to get some questions answered. After the insurance call I was drained - I felt rushed and like all of my questions weren't completely answered so Chris and I are going to call back together in the next couple of weeks. I did find out that:
  1. Circumcision is included at no out-of-pocket cost
  2. The maximum out-of-pocket cost for our hospital stay is $300
  3. I cannot order a breast pump until the baby is born and only from 2 vendors - which will ship the pump out within 24 hours. Note to self: include those vendors and the contact info in my hospital bag
  4. We need to inform Chris' HR department once Ben is born so they can add him to our insurance since his hospital bills are separate - we have 31 days to do this. I think it's smart to have Chris talk to his HR department to see if they can set up the paperwork in advance
There are other things I want to know, such as - what are some unexpected costs we could incur? If I have to have a c-section, is that an additional cost since it's a surgery? Are NICU costs covered? What costs for Ben aren't covered - is the newborn screening included? I'm the type of person that the unknown scares me more than the known, so having some of these answers makes me feel more prepared.

This week we also had our Lucas-side co-ed baby shower at the Mussel Bar in Harbor East. Pam and the girls did a great job setting it up and it was so nice to just come and relax at this shower. Next weekend while we are at the beach I am hoping to knock out those thank you cards. We now have most of the items we need - and anything we don't have, we have gift cards we can use. Chris and I came home and organized all of our gifts and Ben's clothes.

I'll upload some photos from the shower and my bump later this week or next!


The last week in my 20's... I've been saying once I hit the 30 weeks things will start to feel super real! In all honesty this week I am feeling super pregnant. I don't even want to complain because I know next week I could feel differently.

If I get extremely tired or hungry it isn't out of the ordinary for me to have a mental breakdown. Just keeping it real. Maybe it is supposed to teach me how to have empathy for Ben once he is here and has the same emotions. 

I'm starting to wake up in the middle of the night more to go to the bathroom and I think from becoming uncomfortable. It's not hard for me to fall back asleep so it isn't bothering me much!

I am beaming with excitement for Ben to get here and to have our newborn photos done by April Stites. The photos are so precious! We booked her this past week :)

I'm continuing to walk every morning with Chris and Chance - which has become a nice routine. My hands are becoming pretty swollen on our walks, but that isn't too out-of-the-ordinary for me. I have noticed that my feet and back are starting to hurt more and I'm considering asking our midwife about those belly support bands that help lift your belly. I don't really want to purchase something new with only 10 weeks to go (at our next appointment), but if things get worse I will definitely grab one from Amazon.

My 3 hour long glucose test was Thursday and I have to wait until Monday to find out the results. Fingers crossed everything goes well!