Friday, July 24, 2015


This pregnancy is flying by and I feel slightly guilty for not documenting it more during this final trimester. Chris is upset we haven't taken bump pics the last three weeks.

I know I will probably look back and wonder how my belly looked (don't worry, still taking random snap shots), but my favorite moments are the random belly hugs from our papa bear and our times when we are daydreaming about sweet Ben's personality together. Those are the things I wish I could bottle up and keep forever about this pregnancy... not my undone hair and makeup-less face ;-)

This week's workouts include walks, the elliptical and really lazy arm workouts. 

Instead of going to the beach last weekend, we decided to finish installing our kitchen island from Ikea (sans counter top). It felt SO GOOD to get that done and the extra storage has me happy dancing around the house. Ben's bottles and 986503497 extra "feeding" equipment now happily lives in one (shocking) drawer in the island instead of the corner of his room. Anything that involves organizing makes me so happy and I love that my husband tackled this before Ben came. He knows how to make a wife happy. We high-fived approximately 35 times during the project :)

Wednesday was our hospital tour at Howard County General Hospital, where I will be delivering. I feel like I made the appointment for this tour forever ago - and the fact that it is here makes things even more real and nerve-wracking.

We learned a few things:
  1. We can have 4 visitors plus papa bear in the labor and delivery room and recovery room. (we plan to do the delivery solo - with the exception of possibly having Nikki coming in and snapping some photos). We really want to have this first birth be about Chris and I and our new family, so we will send out a text when things get moving, but ask for our family to come to the hospital once Ben is here.
  2. They have 2 rooms that have tubs if we want to soothe the contractions by soaking in them. If you want this room, you have to request it when you check in.
  3. You must be 4 cm dilated before they will admit you to the labor and delivery room.
  4. Visitation hours once Ben is here is from 8-8.
  5. They serve warm cookies and milk once you are in recovery. 
  6. 2 hours (I believe) after delivering you are transferred to your recovery room.
  7. They recommend not bringing extra pillows since each room has 7 - but I would want to bring my own pillow cover and blanket for Chris to sleep with.
  8.  Typical stay is for 48 hours for vaginal delivery, but you can go home as early as 24 hours afterwards.
  9. Babies sleep in a bassinet next to the mom in the recovery room, rather than staying in a nursery unless they have an issue that needs to be monitored by a nurse. 
  10. Bring a hat! Some babies come out with funny shaped heads so bring a hat for them to wear to hide that if you prefer (I found this fact to be funny).
  11. Moms eat for free - dad's need to go to the cafeteria. Luckily, the mall is down the street so a chipotle/Cheesecake Factory/PF Changs run can easily be made. 
  12. You can't eat anything during delivery. Midwives are a little more forgiving with his policy. They have juice and popsicles available for you.
Thursday I had my 32 week appointment and have gained another 1.5 pounds - so a total of 19.5 pounds at 32 weeks and 4 days. I'm wondering if now that we are cutting out carbs from our diet if I will still gain about a pound a week or if that will lessen. The appointment went super fast - his heart beat was super strong and everyone is happy with how things are progressing! Still a really smooth pregnancy :) 

The only new thing symptom-wise is constipation is slowly coming back at this point - so I really should try walking more in the AM to help with that. Also, my pelvic bone has been feeling sore this week. The midwife said that's due to him getting bigger and his head is putting more pressure on it. Totally makes sense and was what I thought.

We had our car seat installed this week by our local fire department and Chris and I set up the stroller to have the car seat attachment. Chance loved going for a ride through our first floor in the stroller surprisingly!

As everything is getting checked off our list, the more excited I am for him to be here. I'm trying to soak up as much time with Chris as I can now since I know our lives are about to get a lot more hectic. Extra kisses and "I love yous" are daily because I really have the best life-partner and am grateful for him every day. I have a really strong feeling that Ben will be just as sweet as his papa bear - which is lucky for me.

See ya later, week 32! 


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