Tuesday, July 14, 2015


The last week in my 20's... I've been saying once I hit the 30 weeks things will start to feel super real! In all honesty this week I am feeling super pregnant. I don't even want to complain because I know next week I could feel differently.

If I get extremely tired or hungry it isn't out of the ordinary for me to have a mental breakdown. Just keeping it real. Maybe it is supposed to teach me how to have empathy for Ben once he is here and has the same emotions. 

I'm starting to wake up in the middle of the night more to go to the bathroom and I think from becoming uncomfortable. It's not hard for me to fall back asleep so it isn't bothering me much!

I am beaming with excitement for Ben to get here and to have our newborn photos done by April Stites. The photos are so precious! We booked her this past week :)

I'm continuing to walk every morning with Chris and Chance - which has become a nice routine. My hands are becoming pretty swollen on our walks, but that isn't too out-of-the-ordinary for me. I have noticed that my feet and back are starting to hurt more and I'm considering asking our midwife about those belly support bands that help lift your belly. I don't really want to purchase something new with only 10 weeks to go (at our next appointment), but if things get worse I will definitely grab one from Amazon.

My 3 hour long glucose test was Thursday and I have to wait until Monday to find out the results. Fingers crossed everything goes well!


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