Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Wooooaaahhhh, we're half way there...!

20 weeks and we are officially at "halftime!" I've been waiting for this benchmark to come and I'm happy to say that this week I am feeling better from an emotional standpoint. Seeing him on the screen was so amazing - it's incredible to think Chris and I made a tiny little person!!

He is now measuring 10 inches from head to toe - which is crazy to me thinking I have something almost the size of a foot-long in my belly right now!

Chris and I went for a run at Liberty High on Saturday and I got in a 2 mile run which felt great. I hadn't ran in 2-3 weeks (even though I planned on running every day) so I was happy I was still able to. 

I haven't been as constipated the past few days either, so that has been helping how I've been feeling! I don't have too many symptoms overall, so I'm feeling super lucky. Most days I still don't feel pregnant - I'm sure that will change with time!
I am on track as far as gaining weight goes - I've gained 8 pounds so far. Our midwife said that was great and on average, healthy mamas gain about 10 pounds by the 20 week appointment. I've read that I will likely gain a pound a week from here on out, so my goal is to stay between the 25-30 pound range with little man. 

Tuesday, 4/28 we had our 20 week appointment and anatomy scan. Baby weighs 12 ounces (spot on for the average weight) and is measuring 3 days behind - which I could have sworn the doctor said ahead, but double checking our papers it says 19w6d and we were 20w2d. Our midwife says as long as the baby is within a week of how far along we are they don't change anything and it's perfectly normal. Our goal is for him to weigh around 4 pounds at our 32 week appointment.

His heart rate was 143 bpm and we even caught it on tape (shhh... I had Chris sneak a recording). He is currently laying horizontally across my belly, with his head on my right side. They confirmed I have an anterior placenta - which is normal, but means it will take a little longer for me to feel him on the outside. It's acting like a nice pillow for him right now. My cervix is measuring 21 centimeters, which is on par and it will be about 4 more centimeters higher at my next appointment.

They confirmed he had a little turtle and everything came back normal! He is 100% healthy and we are so thankful.

I have been feeling stronger movements (which I now know are his arms) on my right side. The nurse said he has active little arms. He is still sleeping with his hand up by his head - which means he is taking after his mama already! We also think he has my nose :)

I'm a little sad that this could be our last sonogram. If everything looks good from here on out, we won't need another. :(

I have to say I hope he comes on a Saturday. I just love our one midwife, Kay Mitchell, and would be so excited if I had her for delivery. She makes me feel so comfortable and I just love her energy. She also always finds his heart beat right away. I can't express how much I love her!

Sleep is still really great. I didn't even wake up in the middle of the night on Sunday to use the bathroom. My belly button is still in and still no stretch marks yet (thank you!) and I've also noticed the line on my stomach hasn't darkened yet. I'm afraid to tan my belly this summer in fear that tanning would make it darken!

I bought a set of bottles and extra nipples this week from Target with coupons I had. I also got the dishwasher container and a few outfits from Old Navy's clearance section. Right now his room is in a great place. I wanted to wait to paint it until we confirmed he was a boy (superstitious much??)so I'm sure within the next month we will get around to painting and hanging his shelves.

I'm really looking forward to being able to feel outside movements and for Chris to see and feel him! Hopefully that will happen in the next few weeks.

Our next to-do items are to start looking at pediatricians and schedule some baby classes!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Little man is the size of a mango this week, weighs half a pound, is six inches long (from head to rump) and starting to grow hair on his head (hopefully lots). 

This week I feel like I have grown a ton. My rib cage and upper stomach feels so much thicker now. A few pre-maternity dresses I was able to wear 2 weeks ago are now skin tight. 

I'm still not constantly feeling him move around and I'm looking forward to when Chris will be able to feel him, too! No cravings and I've found my perfect position lately for getting me to fall asleep quickly and he's been constant on only waking me up once in the night to go to the bathroom - around 5am.

I took a trip to Target and bought a big pack of granny panties and I'm not ashamed to admit that. I hated the feeling of my belly hanging (not sure that's the best way to describe it) over my underwear, so I decided I'd be much more comfortable with panties that come up to my belly button... and I was right. Thank you no-line granny panties!

I also needed a few new bras - not because I've grown in that area (other than my ribcage - hello 40(!)D), but because my current ones have been needing to be replaced for awhile. I picked up two nursing bras from Target and love them so far! They were so cheap too!

Still no stretch marks on the big 'ole belly - I've been rubbing lots of Momma Bee lotion on there and hoping that I grow at a constant pace to help prevent getting them. 

Pam and Ev are planning us a Lucas-side co-ed baby shower in July at the Mussel Bar in Harbour East. I'm excited to see what Pam and the girls put together, and I'm also really excited that it's co-ed. I think it'll be fun having both a traditional and non-traditional shower! Plus, this way Chris will have some of his close guy-friends to hang out with for an afternoon :)


Week 18! 5 more months until we meet this little guy. 

I'm looking forward to our 20 week appointment on the 28th so I can see this little guy on the screen for awhile. I can't wait to see how much he has changed and I am hoping we will get a 3D image to take home!

My stomach feels so much heavier now and my boobs are starting to get pretty tender throughout the days. Hopefully they are prepping to feed this boy since I'm really hoping to be able to successfully breastfeed and pump.

This week we picked out paint samples for his room and chose a color (on the right) - iceberg by Sherwin Williams. I ordered the stars for his wall and now we just need a free weekend to complete our projects!

Gigi and Grandpa Pete bought little man a jogging stroller and it was so easy to put together! I recorded a video of us assembling it - which was less than five minutes long! I can't wait to use it and now fully understand how pregnant women go stir crazy the last month of their pregnancy!

Gigi also sent out all of our baby shower invitations this week and I am so excited for people to get them in the mail! It makes this whole process seem more real :)

AND because it was rainy on Sunday (maybe that's just my excuse) I wasn't in a mood to take an official bump photo, but you can totally tell from this photo that little guy is GROWING and making himself well-known. I am officially popped, which has had it's own weird emotional toll on me. I'm trying to think positively about my changing body, but I would be lying if I said I've enjoyed it 100%. It may be one extra-long summer for me ;-)

Saturday, April 11, 2015


Week 17 and baby boy is the size of an onion - he weighs 5 ounces, is now 5 inches long and his skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone!

 17.5 weeks :)

I think I am starting to feel his little taps! The first time was on Easter and it made me jump! The next time was laying down on the basketball court watching papa bear play. He must have wanted to join in :)

My parents gifted us our crib and my mom called and purchased it this weekend from Pottery Barn. She is amazing and I was having a huge freak out over the cost and she always comes to the rescue and knows exactly how to calm me down with love and hugs. I hope I have those same qualities once our little man is here. It was delivered on Friday and I am IN LOVE with it! I could sit in this room all day.

I bought the sweetest cloud mobile from RHBaby with a discount code and it arrived on Friday also! I need to research how to hang a mobile from the ceiling safely and convince Chris to put a hole up there. Things are starting to come along and it's turning into the sweetest, serene spot in the house.

I chopped 4-5 inches off my hair last week. I haven't had any new pregnancy symptoms other than my hands being super dry and I'm starting to see the line from my belly button to down south. When I cross my legs or they dangle off the couch my feet start going numb now. My hormones are still SUPER cray cray and we are attending our first wedding of the season tonight.

Looking forward to painting the nursery next weekend!

Friday, April 3, 2015


Week 16 and he is the size of an avocado. Guacamole, anyone?

4 months or 2/5ths of the way cooked. Chris and I have decided on a name for baby Lucas, but I'm going to sit on it for awhile to make sure it feels like the perfect fit. Who knew naming a kid could be so difficult!?

I picked up running again as of last Friday and my goal is to run one mile a day {if able} until I literally pee my pants and can't anymore. It's made me feel a lot better about myself and I always get a good sweat from running. {Side note: I've only ran 3 days this week}

We had our 16 week appointment this week. The heart rate Doppler wasn't working so I got to see little man on the sonogram and wow, he has doubled in size! To be honest, I hate being the last patient of the day. I always feel rushed and like they aren't as thorough. I wasn't even told what his heart rate was or given a photo from the sonogram. BUT, it was extra special to be able to see his tiny feet and hands wiggling around on the screen!

I can't wait to start feeling him move! They say it usually happens around week 17, so I'm patiently waiting to feel the "bubbles" to be reminded that he is really there! I know Chris can't wait to be able to feel him too. He gives him nightly kisses and I know he is just waiting until he can feel something back.

We are looking at cribs this week and will hopefully make a decision on one soon! I'm starting to get the itch to paint his room and get everything set up. It must be the warmer weather!

I did buy this tassel to use for the shower and to hang on his wall/crib (it would only hang on the crib in the beginning while he is still in the pack and play). I had the seller switch out the mustard gold with silver.

I'm contemplating doing an accent wall with silver stars for the nursery. Something similar to the photos above. The good thing is they are removable so we could easily take them down as  he grows and/or we sell the house.

The only other things I have bought for him recently were a few pairs of footed, zip-up pajamas that I found on sale and a set of aden + anais bibs that were a great deal.

I did purchase a new maternity dress to test out for a wedding next weekend, but other than that I have been good living in dresses and leggings for now!

I'll update the post later with our 16 week photo, we took it late this week.