Saturday, April 11, 2015


Week 17 and baby boy is the size of an onion - he weighs 5 ounces, is now 5 inches long and his skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone!

 17.5 weeks :)

I think I am starting to feel his little taps! The first time was on Easter and it made me jump! The next time was laying down on the basketball court watching papa bear play. He must have wanted to join in :)

My parents gifted us our crib and my mom called and purchased it this weekend from Pottery Barn. She is amazing and I was having a huge freak out over the cost and she always comes to the rescue and knows exactly how to calm me down with love and hugs. I hope I have those same qualities once our little man is here. It was delivered on Friday and I am IN LOVE with it! I could sit in this room all day.

I bought the sweetest cloud mobile from RHBaby with a discount code and it arrived on Friday also! I need to research how to hang a mobile from the ceiling safely and convince Chris to put a hole up there. Things are starting to come along and it's turning into the sweetest, serene spot in the house.

I chopped 4-5 inches off my hair last week. I haven't had any new pregnancy symptoms other than my hands being super dry and I'm starting to see the line from my belly button to down south. When I cross my legs or they dangle off the couch my feet start going numb now. My hormones are still SUPER cray cray and we are attending our first wedding of the season tonight.

Looking forward to painting the nursery next weekend!


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