Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Week 18! 5 more months until we meet this little guy. 

I'm looking forward to our 20 week appointment on the 28th so I can see this little guy on the screen for awhile. I can't wait to see how much he has changed and I am hoping we will get a 3D image to take home!

My stomach feels so much heavier now and my boobs are starting to get pretty tender throughout the days. Hopefully they are prepping to feed this boy since I'm really hoping to be able to successfully breastfeed and pump.

This week we picked out paint samples for his room and chose a color (on the right) - iceberg by Sherwin Williams. I ordered the stars for his wall and now we just need a free weekend to complete our projects!

Gigi and Grandpa Pete bought little man a jogging stroller and it was so easy to put together! I recorded a video of us assembling it - which was less than five minutes long! I can't wait to use it and now fully understand how pregnant women go stir crazy the last month of their pregnancy!

Gigi also sent out all of our baby shower invitations this week and I am so excited for people to get them in the mail! It makes this whole process seem more real :)

AND because it was rainy on Sunday (maybe that's just my excuse) I wasn't in a mood to take an official bump photo, but you can totally tell from this photo that little guy is GROWING and making himself well-known. I am officially popped, which has had it's own weird emotional toll on me. I'm trying to think positively about my changing body, but I would be lying if I said I've enjoyed it 100%. It may be one extra-long summer for me ;-)


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